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The 10 Best Retirement Planning Tools

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for Nov. 29.  As a reminder, the open enrollment periods for Medicare ends Dec. 7, the one for Obamacare on Dec. 15.

We are fortunate to get some really nice feedback and suggestions from our Members. This week we got a wonderful comment from Alan E:  "Many reputable websites, including MarketWatch, reference This site has become the de facto web site for information about places to retire. What makes this site so amazing are all the people that contribute with their knowledge, advice, and experiences. Yes, a real community effort. But, my hats off to the TopRetirements staff for a continuing job well done. It all shows: the research, well written articles, subject focus and constant watchful blog editing. Thank you for providing this gift to us." Thank you Alan, and we totally agree about all the great people that contribute their knowledge and advice!

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How Will Tax Reform Affect Your Retirement

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Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

Who wouldn't want to retire in Hawaii. This area located on the west coast of Hawaii is the center of the tourist industry on the Big Island. Kona is famous for its coffee as well as its beaches and beautiful scenery.

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Top 10 Tools for Retirement Planning

There are so many retirement tools, but which ones  are really useful and easy to use? Here are our 10 picks for best in class. They can help with financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, state taxes, where to live, and more.

FInd Your Best Place to Retire
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Pompano Beach, Florida

Pompano Beach is lower key and more affordable than many of its neighbors like Boca Raton. Here it is possible to live near the water – either the beach or the intercoastal. There are apartment buildings, gated communities, or single family homes.

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3 Simple Ways to Save Social Security

Our colleague over at MarketWatch, Paul Brandus, just wrote an article outlining 3 simple ways Social Security could be saved. Huge cuts are coming to SS in 2034 unless somebody does something. Way to go Paul - now if only Congress or the President would act!

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